Planning Commission

Hanover Township The Planning Commission meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month (as needed) at 6:30pm at the Township Municipal Building.

The Planning Commission is an advisory board with seven voting members where Township residents are appointed by the Township Board to serve for a 4-year term. One of the tasks of the Planning Commission is developing a comprehensive plan for Township future planned growth. They then make recommendations to the Council on the adoption of the plan.

In addition, land development and subdivision applications being brought before the Township need to be reviewed before final approval by the Council.

The duties and responsibilities of the Planning Commission are established by Pennsylvania law and Township ordinances.

These duties and responsibilities generally include:

  • Reviewing and making recommendations to the Township Council regarding whether property owners’ applications for subdivisions, land developments and other land use or development approvals meet the applicable standards and regulations contained in the Township’s zoning ordinance, subdivision and land development ordinance, as well as other applicable laws and ordinances.
  • Periodically reviewing, and if necessary updating, the Township’s comprehensive plan.
  • Reviewing and making recommendations to the Township Council regarding proposed amendments to the Township’s zoning ordinance.

In all situations presented to the Planning Commission, Commissioners are committed to following the proper procedure, protection of property rights, and applying the laws as noted above equally to all applicants. Recommendations of the Planning Commission must follow the standards and guidelines as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance and/or dictated by law.

All Planning Commission meetings are public meetings where you can express your opinions and share your ideas.

  Planning Commission - 4 Year Appointment
   Mark Thomas    Chairman 12/31/2026
   Larry Hawk    Vice - Chairman 12/31/2026
   Sharon Steitz    Member 12/31/2026
   Richard Nauroth    Member 12/31/2026
   Robin Yoder    Member 12/31/2026
   Jean Rossi    Member 12/31/2027
   Jason Engleman    Member 12/31/2027

Hanover Township
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